
Become a Member of the International Dzogchen Community

The starting point for the practice of Dzogchen is to receive direct introduction or transmission from a realized teacher. Transmission is the means by which the teacher introduces us in a direct way to the true nature of our mind, our primordial state, or Rigpa in Tibetan.
Since the passing of our teacher Chogyal Namkhai Norbu (1932–2018), his son Namkhai Yeshi  is bestowing transmission. Each year he gives a teaching retreat at Merigar, our centre in rural Tuscany in Italy. Teachings and practices of the International Dzogchen Community are also available online, and some of these may be suitable for newcomers. If you have any questions on how to get started, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The International Dzogchen Community counts among its members all those who are interested in the practice of Dzogchen as passed on to us by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, and continued by his son, Namkhai Yeshi. The Community is thus seen as a place for sharing and exchange for people who share the same path towards knowledge. The various community centers are considered places for the practice of awareness where it is possible to collaborate with others in the perspective of a common spiritual enrichment.

It has an organization with systems of communication and collaboration which respect the various autonomous local conditions. The various Gars (places where students gather to receive teachings and practice together) make up one great mandala, a network that covers the various geographical areas of the world and to which practitioners can refer as places of study or practice and meditation.

By joining the Dzogchen Community, members gain access to a tremendous wealth of teachings, resources and support to integrate the Dzogchen practice into one’s life. Practitioners form the body of the community. Membership fulfills Rinpoche’s vision of community providing the basis for bringing practitioners together to progress. It is an expression of our appreciation and a pledge of trust that we contribute to the continuity of the transmission for future generations.

  • If you select Dondrubling as your local community, we get a percentage of your membership dues. The balance supports Tsegyalgar West, our retreat center in Baja, Mexico.
  • If you are experiencing financial difficulty feel free to reach out to the gakyil to discuss your circumstances. We can help.
  • For Dondrubling, if you do not wish to use the interface to enter your membership, or have trouble doing so, please contact to request assistance or leave a phone message at 510-644-2260.

Newcomers to the Dzogchen Community receive a “Welcome Card” for three years before becoming eligible for a full  membership.

 What is a Welcome Card?
A Welcome Card holder is not a member of the IDC in a legal sense.
• A Welcome Card holder is not an introductory member in a legal sense.
• Someone who has held a Welcome Card for three years in a row can then apply to be a member of the IDC
• A Welcome Card holder has all the same benefits as a member – access to closed webcasts and webcast replays, any discounts on courses and books, discounted use of personal retreat facilities, etc.
• The fee for a Welcome Card is the same as the fee for any level of membership (except for the first year a Gar can decide to offer a reduced Introductory Welcome card fee)
• A Welcome Card holder (having received transmission from the Master) can study and practice the Base of the Santi Maha Sangha, but is not eligible to take the exam and progress to Level 1 until they have been accepted as a Member of the IDC.
• A Welcome Card holder may be well qualified and experienced in areas useful for working with the Gakyil, and can offer to work in a supporting role for the Gakyil, but is not eligible to be a member of a Gakyil until they have been accepted as a Member of the IDC.
• A Welcome Card holder is free to make donations and give sponsorship according to their possibilities and wishes.
• A Welcome Card holder cannot vote at AGMs or any general meeting of the IDC, or work as a Gekod of a Gar or other place of the Community.

Instructions for joining the International Dzogchen Community:

Open and click Sign In – Register



Select easy and short User name, put your personal email account (not community email!), password and click Register


Go to your email and click the link



Fill the basic data and click Save


You are now in your personal profile


If the system can’t find your history, contact the Gakyil of the community where you have paid.

Scroll down, fill your country and click Save


Under “YourName – Membership” see your Membership history if you have it


You can also pay past, current, and next year.